In the wholesale industry the Christmas season is slowly coming to an end and due to increasing digitalization in sourcing the trends for the retail industry can already be forecasted.
zentrada, the leading sourcing platform for complementary, seasonal, and promotional products, shows the Christmas trends for Europe in its Bestseller and new Most Picked Item Rankings.
“Generally, the Christmas season will be really successful; The buyer confidence across Europe is really high, which has led to a high demand in wholesale sourcing and capacity overload at some of the best suppliers”, Martina Schimmel, Manager Germany, reports on the past months.
In addition to the IPhone X, there are only a few new and central topics that can be observed in the fast-moving market of consumer goods. The unicorn motive, stuffed animals, and the popular light boxes are the most sought out items. Otherwise, the classics of Christmas decoration, these days illuminated by LED lights, and gift wrap are at the centre of every Christmas assortment. The fact that fashion, toys, jewellery, and perfume will generate high revenues again this year was expected, but surprisingly, the demand for licensed products was clearly lower than the past few years. For bedding and household products the most important factors for success this season are design and motives. Furthermore, there are many different small gift ideas and promotion products that can trigger impulse buying and generate revenue.
zentrada expects a decrease of the trend to shop online, especially in the now booming countries, and already sees a lot of dissatisfaction of smaller online retailers about the development of sales and margins. The stationary retailers are doing much better and are able to pull customers into their stores with a Christmassy atmosphere and broad assortments.
“Especially the stationary retailers can benefit from online sourcing and changing product mix policies. We are constantly improving our assortments, services, and finally processing advantages for our members sourcing online”, CEO Ingo Schloo explains zentrada’s standards.
-“Independent retailers are really close to the customers, but often far away from the best suppliers-“. Therefore, more and more retailers see the chance to make their assortments more attractive and diversified through online sourcing, to survive the tough competition.
The connects more than 363.128 registered and reachable retailers across Europe with leading assortments and brands of the big suppliers from Europe through the zentrada sourcing platforms and TradeSafe order processing system.
Since 2005, zentrada added separate teams and marketplaces in France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, and an English EU version to its German headquarters to facilitate this connection. zentrada is pioneer, technology, and market leader in the free European wholesale sourcing for resellers.
More than 500 European importers, manufactures, and wholesalers offer almost 400.000 products, trends, and brand products, as well as stock lots, from all product groups of consumer good trade in their own zentrada-Shops.
The integrated TradeSafe order and payment processing allows retailers to handle orders across suppliers easily, with 100% buyer protection, and enables both parties to be part of international trade without risks and language barriers. Since 2017, zentrada.Distribution offers central delivery and invoicing for product assortments of big international suppliers.
The zentrada Membership and TradeSafe are always free for commercial wholesale purchases. The membership can be extended for a small membership fee to add PREMIUM Services and the FreeD! Flatrate for free deliveries.