Get your personal shopping budget with up to 30 days payment term for your purchase on zentrada (based on credibility or deposit)
Finance your purchase of goods per payment term and without additional costs
As an alternative to the classic online and bank payment methods, we offer you the purchase on account with our factoring partner "Coface" for regular purchases and with a corresponding insurance.
Based on your credibility or based on a partial deposit, we provide a budget for the purchase on account on zentrada with its large number of suppliers. We support you in financing your trading business and give you the opportunity to cover your procurement costs directly from the sales revenues. All handling will be be managed safe and easy within your tradesafe order management platform that comes with zentrada.
For more information and a budget agreement, please contact your account manager at zentrada.
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How the purchase on account works on zentrada
check options
Payment Offer
Apply Budget
Credit Check / or deposit
From now on you order without prepayment and pay 30 days after delivery.